Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Tifa Cosplay

Wow, I was shocked by this Crisis Core final fantasy vii Tifa cosplay when I found it, and I cannot believe that this cosplay girl could finish it so perfect. I am always wondering how she could do that. What do you think of her job?
Cosplay final fantasy Tifa is undoubtedly a hot and welcomed choice to all the cosplay girls, and I believe that Tifa cosplay would never be unfashionable but would be more and more popular because of the unique and impressive charm of Tifa. Since we are the beings loving challenges and beauties, we are looking forward to showing more and more excellent cosplays in the latter shows.
CosplayTifa is always a great choice and could help us to express ourselves fully. The cosplayer in the picture does an amazing job, thanks her for sharing such great Tifa cosplay with us.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Serah Farron Cosplay

What do you think of this final fantasy xiii-2 Serah cosplay? But if you ask me, my answer absolutely is I love it, really love this cosplay. I was shocked by her at the first sight, she look extremely the same as final fantasy xiii-2 Serah. This cosplay girl is also a cute and charming girl and she has the similar body shape as her imitated character.
So I cannot help sharing this fantastic final fantasy cosplay picture to you all, it is a safe bet that any of you would be willing to take you time to enjoy this cosplay as long as you are a fan of cosplay, not to mention the lovers of Serah. I love everything she wears, such as the beautiful pink wig, the great Serah cosplay costume and other accessories.
As the female protagonist of ff xiii-2, Serah becomes more and more appealing. She is a lovely and strong girl. If you haven’t tried this cosplay, now it is the time to have a try.

Final Fantasy XIII Cosplay-Lightning Together with other Members

Because of the popularity of cosplay and the video game Final Fantasy XIII, we could easily find tons of related cosplays throughout the world, such as Lightning cosplay, Serah cosplay and others. Cosplay final fantasy xiii is one of the hottest choices in our heart. So we could enjoy numerous fantastic jobs that are created by impersonators.
And now I want to share this FF xiii cosplay with you, yeah, really a big family. They are all here, Lightning, Serah, Snow, Vanille and Hope. Actual five great cosplay girls. Aha, but it would be more fantastic if Fang and Sazh are there. Anyhow, they do an eye-catching job. I love their cosplay costumes, everyone has perfect accoutrement. And I wonder if they make the outfits, or just buy the dress instead. I’m fascinated by this final fantasy cosplay.

Dark Knight Rises Prologue Review

I love viral marketing. I especially love viral marketing when it's attached to a new Batman project. A good friend of mine was one of the first 100 people to beat the Arkham Asylum viral marketing campaign and won the collector's edition of the video game thanks to his online detective skills. Prior to the release of the 2008 film "The Dark Knight", I received campaign buttons, Gotham newspapers and a Gotham City voter registration card all in support of Harvey Dent. I attended a Harvey Dent political rally where I had the chance to meet up with fellow supporters and was given a "I support Harvey Dent" t-shirt along with campaign signs. I was even featured on the official website and was thrilled (and slightly disturbed) when The Joker hacked the system and scribbled the face of every photo of Dent supports making them resemble the Clown Prince of Crime. Viral Marketing gives us a personal connection to something we enjoy and makes us feel like we're actually a part of the magic.

Batman fans around the world are gearing up for the 2012 Summer release of the final film in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy "The Dark Knight Rises". On December 13th select IMAX theatres around the United States were screening the first six minutes of the film and you were allowed access if you knew how to get tickets. There were two showings at the IMAX theater; one at 10pm and the other at 10:30pm. My guest and I were in the 10:30pm group. We observed  the first group as they exited the theater and became concerned by the expression on their faces. People looked confused. No shouts of awesomeness or fanboy freak outs. I found out later they were confused for a variety of reasons. After handing over our tickets and my purse being inspected for recording devices, were we given promotional t-shirts that features a bizarre design and simply says "End". No one could figure out what the design is suppose to symbolize (one guess was Bane's mask) and there's no indication on the shirt that it's related to a Batman film.

The prologue lasted only six minutes and began with Commissioner Gordon speaking at Harvey Dent's memorial service. The rest of the prologue features some mercenaries being captured and boarded on a plane. The men who apprehended them are looking for Bane and it turns out one of the captives is in fact Bane himself. After his identity is revealed he breaks free. Bane's objective is to kidnap a doctor aboard the plane (who, thanks to viral marketing has been revealed to be Dr. Leonid Pavel) and take it down. A second plane filled with Bane's henchmen comes into play and in what was probably the most impressive stunt I've seen filmed in the air, Bane transfers the doctor's blood to a decoy before successfully taking down the airplane and making a getaway in his own. The last few seconds of the prologue are filled with never-before-scenes featuring a new Batman vehicle (or the Tumbler transforming, I couldn't really tell), a tortured looking Selina Kyle traveling in a car, Batman on the steps of a building during snowfall, a glimpse of Catwoman and finally Bane holding Batman's mask.

When the screening was over I came to the realization why the first crowd who viewed it were troubled. It was almost impossible to understand any of Bane's dialogue. His heavy accent is muffled behind a mask and I can honestly say that I barely understood a line that actor Tom Hardy delivered. Many of the movie goers in the theatre said the same thing. One said:

"I don't know what I just saw but it was awesome!"

While many others clearly stated they couldn't understand a word Bane said (myself included). One joked that between Christian Bale's gruff Batman voice and Bane, the next logical character to include in the film would be Beaker from The Muppets. There were numerous complaints regarding Christian Bale's performance in "The Dark Knight", so much so that it was corrected for the DVD release and the result was a smoother audio delivery. Numerous complaints regarding Bane's voice have all ready surfaced online and one hopes that this will be corrected in time for the film's worldwide release in 2012. If not, this could be as painful as Stallone and Schwarzenegger getting into a verbal argument.

 The writing remains intelligent and though the airplane sequence was cleverly written and visually satisfying, Bane's problematic voice stole the show. Clearly that's not good news. I was more impressed by the images shown after the plane sequence. In all honesty Batman's hand to hand combat among the stairs with Bane during a snow storm would have made for a better sneak peak. I'm going to chalk the prologue to being entertaining but nothing spectacular.

Who are the Hot Female Final Fantasy Cosplay Characters?

      When it comes to the final fantasy cosplay, as for cosplay girls, who are the hot final fantasy cosplay characters on earth? In my view there are really some outstanding female roles. To begin with, without doubt, is ff Tifa. She is a sexy and cool girl in the eyes of the cosplayers and the game players.

And then it comes to final fantasy Yuna. It seems that there are countless imitators are interested in this cosplay. There is no denying that all types of cosplay costumes contribute a lot to it, even more than Tifa Lockhart.
And of course Rikku is also must be included in this list. The revealing cosplay outfit is really hot means in the aspect of popularity and the charm of the design of the attire.

The reputation of final fantasy xiii Lightning is doubtless in the heart of the impersonators. Portraying her could help girls to display imposing and cool appeal in the show. Whoever put on the cosplay costume could taste the fantastic feeling. Of course, there are still many other popular ff characters for us to make choice. Which we choose depends on ourselves. To get enjoyment is the main target.

Final Fantasy Cosplay: The Emperor Mateus Cosplay

Yay! There is no denying that this final fantasy Mateus cosplay is majestic, fantastic and amazing and, um, I am be stuck for words now, I cannot find any suitable word to express my feeling now. The cosplayer is Liliana, an excellent cosplay girl on There are lots of other amazing cosplay photos she does at her site. The final fantasy cosplay is just one of them. Thanks her for showing us her cool job. I love her cosplay.

Pretty Final Fantasy X Yuna Summoner Cosplay

Hi, guys! Today I want to share you the outstanding final fantasy x Yuna summoner cosplay. I found it by a kind guy named bl man, thanks him for his suggestion. The cosplayer is Mei-Hoshi, and there are so many excellent cosplays she has done.
This Yuna cosplay is one of her great cosplays, and she is really a captivating girl. The summoner cosplay costume is gorgeous. In a word, I love her cosplay.