The article isn't solely about me but uses me as an example on why "Slave Leia is Dead" and goes on to accuse Gentle Giant Studios using Leia for "marketing" (I guess he knows better than a multimillion dollar company with a contract with Lucasfilm and feels they should take his marketing advice) and accuses the models of not being real Star Wars fans. He accuses Olivia Munn and Adrianne Curry of being posers and that they only wore the metal bikini to promote themselves. Here's a prime example of educating yourself before you stick your foot in your mouth; Olivia Munn wore it as part of her job for G4 TV and anyone who knows Adrianne Curry is well aware that she is a proud geek and a major Star Wars fan.
Apparently Slave Leia was hot up until 2009 according to Mr. Trate. He admits he is a big fan of it. So what happened? No explanation is given. Perhaps he was snubbed or got turned down for a date by a Slave Leia model. His call on Slave Leia's to show their "creative side and do something different" leaves me asking:
"Who the hell are you?"
Almost all of the Slave Leia's have other cosplays. I myself have over ten costumes and was named the Queen of Cosplay by the Modern Tokyo Times and Axiom Magazine. You know nothing about them, Mr. Trate. You are judgemental and prejudice. At San Diego Comic Con we are HIRED TO DO A JOB and you even admitted to stopping by the Gentle Giant booth to take a photo of me (and at several other

Now because I work in the real world and have a respectable full time job as a teacher, naturally I didn't discover this until after I got out of work. To find that someone once again is bashing my side job is unsurprising. How funny is it that someone on the outside is trying to tell professional models how to do their job. You're not our employer thus we are not required to listen to you particularly when some of us are veteran cosplayers. Save the requests for the Gentlemen's club and stop acting like you're an authority because you're not.
"Yawn to the haters." The Slave Leia bashing is the one that's tired. I'm doing what I love, am successful in multiple fields and do not plan to stop.
EDUCATE YOURSELF MR. TRATE: http://victoriacosplay.blogspot.com/2011/08/slave-revolt.html