As everyone in the comic book community knows, May 7th marked national Free Comic Book Day! For some of us this is better than Christmas and is an unofficial start to the convention season. After making an appearance at the Comics and More store last year as Black Canary, I was asked to return this year as the Mistress of Magic herself, Zatanna. The crowds were huge and I caught up with friends and made some new ones along the way. Other cosplayers in attendence were some Jedi and a lady pirate! My friend Steve Morrison from the Preston and Steve show on WMMR stopped by the shop to say hello to me which was very generous. Employees and fans enjoyed taking pics with him too! It was like having a surprise guest!
Now I am embarassed to admit this because in my six years of cosplay I've never done this before but I forgot one of my accessories (granted, I didn't wear my hair piece's as Slave Leia to the Philly Comic Con last year but that's because they broke the night before and sometimes I don't wear the arm band because it slides off my arm). I realized (when it was far too late) that I forgot to pack my bow tie for my neck. I was so disappointed in myself; I strive to make my cosplays perfect but no one noticed and I still got compliments on how much fans loved my costume. Some of my Twittter follwers came out to meet me and I even helped one shop for a trade paper back. It was very cool; I have the sweetest fans and it was great to meet them. One of them made a video of the event and I'm in it. You can check it out here:
And here is my official gallery (click the images for larger versions)! At the end of the day I got the Micheal Turner Supergirl mini statue. How I love thee!

Prior to FCBD my new Tomb Raider Legend cosplay arrived. The outfit came with the top, backpack, shorts, belt with gun holsters and boot covers. The guns were not included but I had the guns I bought a few years ago that was part of a police officer Halloween set. I have to admit, after trying it on for the first time and looking in the mirror I squealed in delight. The overall effect was just awesome. People have told me for years that I look like Angelina Jolie (or her daughter or younger sister) and the video game version of Lara. The Legend costume has a much more powerful effect than the Catsuit cosplay. I can honestly say that Lara Croft is the ONLY cosplay where I feel like I become the character and embody her spirit. With all the other characters I still feel like me; I still feel like Vicki but with Lara I feel a connection and it is deeply personal. To find out why, check out this entry:

Anyways, my bff and I took some shots with my camera at a local park and in less that 24 hours the debut photo made it on the site Kotaku. I sometimes find that cosplay pictures that I take with my own camera become more popular than professional photos. I wonder why that is? The Tomb Raider gallery has also been updated on my website:
And right before FCBD was May 4th, national Star Wars day! I made it onto several sites for my Slave Leia cosplay. Can we say awesome?