For the past few days I have been getting Facebook warnings on a daily basis saying that my modeling pictures violate Terms of Service. It all began with someone reporting one of my Bettie Page pictures, then they reported all of my implied topless shots. If you read the Terms of Service it states you cannot upload anything pornographic or sexually explicit. My pictures are
ART and all of my naughty bits are covered. There's nothing sexually explicit about them and if you think that qualifies as porn, then clearly you've never seen a porno.

Obviously someone is out to get me, being that I was being reported almost on a daily basis. This morning my accounts were disabled and I have been banned on Facebook. The outraged emails from fans poured in and traffic on my site went through the roof and I got dozens more followers on Twitter. So thank you to the pathetic stalker/hater out there who has nothing else better to do than report my pics! Looks like I'm more popular than ever now! I've been cosplaying for five years, modeling for 2 years and I made a name for myself long before I created a facebook account a year ago. Just like I proved I didn't need to win a voting contest to go to the 2010 San Diego Comic Con (I dropped out then I was hired by Gentle Giant and got mad press as Slave Leia and will be returning this year), I'm going to prove that I don't need Facebook to further my career. I have nine lives; I always land on my feet. I'm a hydra; cut my head off and three more will grow back.

And just to show you how
BEAUTIFUL karma is and the balance of the universe, on the very day I was banned from the most bogus social networking site on the web, I got to meet the orginal Catwoman, actress Lee Merriweather! I also met Birds of Prety actress (Batgirl/Oracle) Dina Meyer! She gave me a hug and said I was beautiful and loved my new Red Riding Hood outfit! I met the wonderful people who run an animal rescue center for Yorkies (will prob be doing some work with them) and I also hung with some friends (Comic artist and creator Ken Haeser and my gal pal Amber Love who is a journalist/cosplayer) and made new contacts. Fans loved my new Red Riding Hood costume and I posed for tons of pics. So you can suck on that while you mope about your virginity or scarf a box of donuts. The one and only Cosplay Girl is here to stay now and forever and will live on through my site, Twitter, Flickr, Deviant Art & Blog. God Bless!