Ookie Dookie, Friday night I finally whipped out my Hermione Granger wig to give it a hair cut. I originally purchased this wig for my Justice League Unlimited Hawkgirl cosplay but I retired that outfit with the quickness (those stupid wings were a freakin' pain in the butt). I held onto the wig and used it for a Belle shoot (which I will be redoing cause the wig isn't the right shade of brown for Belle) and my Hermione shoot. That was two years ago so I decided to finally make the wig officially Hermione and brought out the scissors. A friend and I plan to cosplay for the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows part 2 which will take place before I leave for San Diego! I love how the wig looks; it's so much better and just screams Mudblood, um I mean Granger!

My Saturday began with an invitation to a Horror Show (that I also attended last year). Last year I cosplayed Black Canary for the show and it was a big hit but this time around I wanted to go more with the theme so I did an Alice in Wonderland goth makeup test Saturday morning (the show was Sunday afternoon). I used white makeup, black eyeliner, black lipstick and my Supergirl wig. I loved the result and was super excited. I ventured out to three stores and was certain one of them would have an Alice dress, right? WRONG! I was outta luck and the closest thing I found (dark) fairy tale related was a Red Riding Hood cape. I was severely bummed because I had my heart set on Alice but I relented and bought the cape then headed back to the mall.

I found a store were corsets were on sale so I picked up two of them; one red and one white for Zatanna. Then I purchased a red skirt and headed home to expermient. In the end I combined fishnets with boy shorts, Mary Janes shoes, my Supergirl wig and basket from my Snow White shoot. I threw in a wolf that came with my Barbie Red Riding Hood set and viola! Instant Red Riding Hood! It was literally put together in a few hours. I have never put a costume together so fast and this wasn't based on any particular version of Red. I just went with what was classic (blonde hair) and obvious (red clothes) and sexed it up. I think the result was pretty impressive and fans loved it at the Horror Show!

So next came the Zatanna upgrade. Dun, dun, dun! When I first put the costume together early last year, I had the worst time ever finding a corset that fit me. I'm so tiny and very skinny so I had to settle for the tank top version you see on my site. I was thrilled when I finally tried on a white corset that fit me! I think the costume looks a million times more fabulous now and sexier than ever! Sunday I attened the show and had a blast. You can read all about that in my pervious entry:
http://victoriacosplay.blogspot.com/2011/03/so-i-was-banned-from-facebook.htmlI plan to do a pro shoot with the Red Riding Hood costume when the weather gets warmer and I am not giving up on Alice! I will get a dress soon enough and again, will do an outdoor shoot soon.

True it was stressful putting a costume together so fast but if anyone can work under those conditions, it's the Cosplay Girl! I also like upgrading my all ready exisiting costumes and making them better than ever before. Zatanna comes so easy for me; I guess it's because I all ready have black hair and usually wear red lipstick. I feel the most like me in that costume cause I'm not really altering my look. I still look like me, just wearing Z's clothes. lol Oh and my super fabulous comissioner is making my brand spanking new Supergirl Michael Turner outfit and it will be ready in 4 weeks! Can't wait and thanks again to the fans who donoted all that money so I could get the new costume! I will keep my promisel; you will get autographed pics of me in that outfit once it's complete!
God Bless