Are you looking for some cosplay ideas about SoulCalibur ? This amazing game is really hot for many years. Today we will share a fantastic SoulCalibur Cosplay show from orgXIIIorg and Myoubi ,who cosplay the Nightmare of Soul Calibur 2 and Tira of Soul Calibur 3 in Anime Expo 2006.

Actually i am shocked by this Nightmare , most amazing Nightmare cosplay I've ever seen, well done ,org!! Especial the big Sword of Nightmare,which made by paper or pvc meterials . If you wanna make this weapon for your cosplay, you should make your craft and mold first , which will take much hard work. Even you make out the sword , you have another really big issue --- painting . So try to find other cosplayer or your friend to help you to paint the sword.