As professional cosplayer, Arisa Mizuhara model in costume for photoshoot and cdrom, make special appearance and performance in roadshow and cosplay event as showgirl. All the costume are made by herself!

Visiting Japan, or living in Japan and interested in anime/cosplay cultures? she can offer you some fun. d(-_^) she has met with several foreign friend who like anime and cosplay girls and all of them enjoy the time with her.
Here is what she offer:
- Showgirl for event, party, stage performance. she can sing, dance and host 3(-_^) in costume!
- Media. for tv, advertisement, print job
- Design, costume making. Arisa Mizuhara make all my costume herself. she can make for you too!
Browse Arisa Mizuhara's complete picture and bio at
FS Fan Profile (with 150+ pics):